Base 75
A Dream Project
This project was called the Base 75 because this really should be a base layout for a keyboard this size when you don’t want the other 25% of the board. Eliminating the numpad, squeezing in the arrow keys and keeping the necessary keys that sits above the arrows; by doing this you’re able to have the most optimized space on your desk to have a clean in minimal look.
Get your Ideas down

I drew side profiles to give it its first form

A side profile was chosen and modified for a better form

Drawing out my form and giving it the optimal layout
Design Flaws

Engineers had to be involved in making this possible so I had to visit Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Engineering. There I was able to cooperate with Rick Wurzer and Craig Arnold who are Senior Mechanical Technician to bring my project to life.

I worked closely with Jakob Hamilton, a Mechanical and Industrial Engineer, and we were able to test the limits of a water jet that I’ve never worked with and he didn’t know if the machine could be this intricate. Together we actually cut out the plating to hold all the electronics together on the first try.

Put Together
After months of planning, designing and manufacturing, I finally got to assemble the keyboard and use it.